
Please sign up with the mailing list!

Dear friends,

There are only 8 people subscribed to our mailing list:

Chris Ow
Chris Yeo

It appears that these are the only people reading this blog. I implore other readers to please join the mailing list because the posts here are somewhat infrequent and you probably won't check back regularly. Joining the mailing list allows new posts and comments to be sent to your mailbox so that you'll know when this blog is updated. Don't be worried, there are not that many posts so your mailbox won't be flooded. You can unsubscribe anytime anyway.

On this blog..
I think it is time that we invite more people to read and write on this blog. Perhaps CSS and Little Crosses will be good starting points?

We need to rethink the purpose of this blog and to rewrite the "about this blog" section. I think a friendlier more open atmosphere will be more beneficial to all.

How do you think this blog has stood up so far? How can we improve or change it? Let's have everyone's views please!

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